At Abbotts Way Veterinary Clinic

When diagnostic testing is required it is important that test results are back to us as soon as possible. Our in-house laboratory allows us to have ready access to blood and urine test results (often within thirty minutes) This allows rapid diagnosis and treatment of your pet’s medical condition.

The in-house laboratory also means quick turnaround on pre anaesthetic tests on your pet on the morning of their surgery.

We are able to run Full Blood Counts, Serum Chemistry and Electrolyte Analysis as well as tests of Thyroid. Other more specialised blood tests are couriered to our external laboratory and results are usually obtained within 24 hours, test dependent.

We are also able to perform cytology on some lumps, fluid and skin scrapings in house meaning rapid diagnosis. We can also test for FIV (feline aids), Feline Leukemia, and other conditions. Urine tests such as dipstick tests, specific gravity and sediment are also in house.

Ultrasound and Radiography

We have an in-house computerised radiography system allowing us to perform x-rays on site on demand.

Ultrasound is a pain and stress free diagnostic procedure used at Abbotts Way on a daily basis these days, allowing us to diagnose a variety of medical conditions without the need for referral or exploratory surgery.


An ECG or electrocardiogram graphs the electrical conductivity in the heart muscle and may be used to help diagnose various heart conditions, electrolyte imbalances and drug toxicities. A lot of these conditions can be life threatening so having an ECG on site is important to allow us to diagnose and treat many of these disorders as quickly as possible. Performing an ECG, xrays and an echocardiogram gives us complete information regarding the function of the heart

Diagnostic Laboratory

When diagnostic testing is required it is important that test results are back to us as soon as possible. Our in-house laboratory allows us to have ready access to blood and urine test results (often within thirty minutes) This allows rapid diagnosis and treatment of your pet’s medical condition.

The in-house laboratory also means quick turnaround on pre anaesthetic tests on your pet on the morning of their surgery.

We are able to run Full Blood Counts, Serum Chemistry and Electrolyte Analysis as well as tests of Thyroid and Adrenal function. Other more specialised blood tests are couriered to the local Gribbles laboratory and results are usually obtained within 24 hours.

We are also able to perform cytology on some lumps, fluid and skin scrapings in house meaning rapid diagnosis. We can also test for FIV (feline aids), Feline Leukaemia, and other conditions. Urine tests such as dipstick tests, specific gravity and sediment are also in house.

Referral Service

As in human medicine complex cases sometimes require treatment at a specialist facility. If necessary we are able to offer referral to local veterinary specialists for:

  • Opthalmic conditions
  • Dermatological conditions
  • Further imaging MRI, CT scans, Endoscopy
  • Medical and Surgical cases